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By Lora Malunk

March 08, 2011

Linux like window seven

guess the screenshots below illustrate the Linux operating system or windows,Please .
If you see at a glance it does look like the windows seven, but in fact that's Linux has been modified by windows seven themes.

themes Win2-7Pack_v6.2_Multilang_Aero, was changed view your Linux like Windows Seven.
These themes successfully installed smoothly on ubuntu distro that is mainly versions 9.04 and 10:10. At distro mandriva 2010, there is have little problem at icons
Just need a few simple steps to change the Linux look like windows seven :

* download the themes are here
* Extract file, for example, place it in the directory / home /
* Go to the directory where the files are being extracted
* Double-click the file, follow the steps there

Congrutulation , your linux like window seven now.

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